Dan Coady

one of the weirdest things in the modern programming landscape is just how dominant object oriented programming is as a paradigm. and it’s not even that it’s just popular, it’s taken over the way people even think about programming in the first place. now, i’m not someone who thinks that oop is literally the devil or anything–i think that it absolutely has its time and place, and when the appropriate job arises it can be really helpful for that.

this said, it would be disingenuous of me to say that oop is nothing but good. of course that’s far from the truth, as many keyboard warriors online will tell you with great passion. i get annoyed listening to their twitter-brained takes on oop too, believe me, but they also kinda have a point. oop has really given license to too many software engineers to just go ham and write some of the most obtuse, overly engineered solutions that end up being a huge pain to maintain. like, when you’re 6 inheritance levels deep, have no idea where a member of the class you’re working on came from, and get weird compile time errors because someone didn’t quite guard their templated class just right… yeah you know we’ve gone off the deep end.

this is why i’ve come to appreciate c over time. i think as a language it’s sort of beautiful in how simple it is. you learn the basic rules of play, and that’s it. no hidden weirdness, no abstractions that run behind your back and do unexpected things. it’s just you talking to the computer in plain terms.

i think this scares a lot of people off though, especially those who have really only known oop. you’ve gotta be so explicit, and you can’t write fancy abstractions to reduce your line counts drastically. maybe you’re one of these people.

let’s see if i can change your mind :)

why should i give c a chance?

i hear you saying. c definitely has a reputation for being difficult, low level, and outdated. and look, some of this is true. hell, i’m looking at odin currently to replace c as my language of choice in projects because even i have to admit that c can suck to write sometimes, and some of these new languages have some really compelling ideas.

but c i think has some good things going for it, even if you wanted to look at something like odin, zig, rust, what have you.

c is simple

there’s very little that’s actually complicated about c, it’s just that you require a little bit more knowledge about how computers work before you can get properly started compared to something higher level such as c# or js. but i would honestly argue that in many cases, the higher level languages can be doing you a disservice with how much they abstract away the inner workings of your computer. you see, through understanding how things work, you can have a better grasp on not only how why things may be breaking, but also how to make your solutions better. even in the high level world of js!

c forces you to think simply

okay this sounds very counter-intuitive, especially if you only know c for how it requires you to manage your own memory, but trust me on this. the thing with c is that there is nothing baked in save for really the bare minimum to get you off the ground and writing software. because of this, you have to try and think in simple ways to achieve complex solutions, which can sometimes be better solutions because of how simple the building blocks end up being. and this isn’t even just because it’s more maintainable, but also because they can be faster.

c can be stupid fast

as an abstraction over machine code, c is pretty close to the real deal. this means that whatever you write will very likely be fairly close to whatever machine code ends up being generated.

however, i do need to emphasise that it only can be really fast.

because of course if you’re not careful and write poor performance code, you’ll end up generating poor performance machine code. but since there’s very little in the way of weird code generation happening in the background like there can be in more complex, fully featured languages, you can be much more sure about how your code will perform while running.

so let’s start having a look at c itself.

the rules of play

i want to skip over the specifics of how c works such as what the compiler is, what the linker is, what including files does, etc. this is all stuff with plenty of great online resources already, and talking too much about them would balloon this post out a lot. let this be your warning: try to at least have a basic understanding of c and how c works before reading ahead. instead, let’s start with those rules of play that i mentioned before.


they don’t exist in c. well, not really. instead, ints act as your bools. for example:

int condition = 1;

if (condition) {
    printf("condition is true\n");
} else {
    printf("condition is false\n");

 * output:
 * condition is true

that’s it. if a value is 0 then it is false, if it’s not 0 then it’s true.


this is what i think scares most people in c, but pointers are really easy. are you ready for the secret to pointers?

pointers are just memory addresses.

for the uninitiated, a memory address is the number which represents where your variable exists in memory. if you have that information then you can functionally point to where it is, and you can retrieve the variable itself.

seriously, that’s it.

if that still doesn’t really stick, then maybe an example will help:

int foo = 10;
int* foo_ptr = &foo;

printf("foo is %d\n", foo);
printf("value pointed at by foo_ptr is %d", *foo_ptr);

foo = 20;
printf("value pointed at by foo_ptr is %d", *foo_ptr);

 * output:
 * foo is 10
 * value pointed at by foo_ptr is 10
 * value pointed at by foo_ptr is 20

here we define foo and assign it the value 10. then we declare foo_ptr and assign it a pointer to foo. next we print out the value of foo and the value pointed at by foo_ptr, both of which are 10. finally we assign foo the value of 20 and print out the value pointed at by foo_ptr, which is now 20. hopefully it’s obvious at this point that foo_ptr is just a pointer to the memory address that we store foo in, but also there’s some wacky syntax there. this is also really simple:

// define the variable `foo` of type `int`
int foo = 10;

// define the variable `foo_ptr` of type `int*`
int* foo_ptr;

// assign `foo_ptr` a pointer to the variable `foo`
foo_ptr = &foo;

there are two tokens used when we talk about pointers: * and &:

and that’s really it! pointers are no more complicated than that.

memory allocation

by default anything you define will be allocated on the stack. since it’s allocated on the stack, it will be freed once the scope it was defined in is left.

int foo = 1;
printf("foo is %d\n", foo); // "foo is 1"

{ // new scope

    foo = 10;
    int bar = 20;
    printf("foo is %d, bar is %d", foo, bar); // "foo is 10, bar is 20"

} // exit scope

printf("foo is %d, bar is %d", foo, bar); // error!!

in the above example we can see that because bar was defined in that new scope, once we left the scope we could no longer access it since it was freed.

you can also allocate to the heap if needed, and for this you will need to manually manage your memory with malloc() and free().

int* foo = malloc(sizeof(int)); // allocate an int on the heap
*foo = 10;
printf("value pointed at by foo is %d\n", *foo);
free(foo); // important!!

here we allocate some memory on the heap with malloc(), use it, and then free it with free(). it’s important that you free the memory at the end, since not doing so can lead to memory leaks (more on this later).


arrays in c are simple, tightly packed collections of data stored in continuous memory. that sounds complicated, but let’s unpack what that all means:

this leads to some interesting things. most notably, and this is probably something you’ll run into pretty quickly as you start writing c, but arrays have a fixed length. and what’s more, if you want to have your array allocated on the stack then you’ll need to make sure that the size of the array is known at compile time. otherwise you need to allocate your array on the heap.

another thing worth noting is that arrays are just pointers to the first element of the array, and when you index an array you’re essentially just doing pointer arithmetic. for example:

int foo[4] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

// regular array indexing
printf("the second element is %d\n", foo[1]);

// indexing with pointer arithmetic
int i = 1;
int* second_element = foo + i;
printf("the second element is %d\n", *second_element);

 * output:
 * the second element is 2
 * the second element is 2

both result in the same output because we’re functionally indexing them in the same way. mind you, you shouldn’t be doing this, but i want to get the point across that arrays are just pointers to the first element of the array. remember this, because it’s a very important thing (and something that can trip up those new to c).


there are no objects in c, but you still want to create named containers for your data sometimes. this is the purpose of structs in c, and they have very simple syntax:

struct MyStruct {
    int foo;
    int bar;

struct MyStruct ms;
ms.foo = 1;
ms.bar = 2;

printf("foo is %d\n", ms.foo);
printf("bar is %d\n", ms.bar);

 * foo is 1
 * bar is 2


macros are bits of code that are processed at compile time during what is called the pre-processing stage. to understand what this means, take a look at the following code:

#define FOO 10
printf("FOO is %d\n", FOO);

/* output:
 * FOO is 10

on a surface level this looks like we’ve defined a variable called FOO but in a strange way. what’s actually happened though is we’ve defined a macro, and macros are a pre-processor directive which will expand at compile time. so the above code once parsed through the pre-processing stage will look like this:

printf("FOO is %d\n", 10);

notice how FOO was replaced by the value 10, which is what we defined FOO as. this is what macro expansion does: replaces all instances of that macro with what it was defined as. this seems not that useful, after all why would you want to do something like this?

to understand this, let’s have a look at the assembly generated by gcc for x86-64 platforms:

void func() {
    int foo = 10;
    printf("%d\n", foo);
        .string "%d\n"
        push    rbp
        mov     rbp, rsp
        sub     rsp, 16
        mov     DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 10
        mov     eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4]
        mov     esi, eax
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
        mov     eax, 0
        call    printf
void func() {
    #define FOO 10;
    printf("%d\n", foo);
        .string "%d\n"
        push    rbp
        mov     rbp, rsp
        mov     esi, 10
        mov     edi, OFFSET FLAT:.LC0
        mov     eax, 0
        call    printf
        pop     rbp

what the assembly actually does isn’t actually all that important here. what is important is that the version of the code with the regular variable has a few more instructions, notably the mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 10 to assign foo, the mov eax, DWORD PTR [rbp-4] to load foo into the register eax, and then finally mov esi, eax so we can prepare the esi register for our call to printf. in the second version where we just have the macro, we skip all these steps and just do mov esi, 10 to prepare for the call to printf. in short: this allows us to do quite a few things quicker because we’re explicitly skipping the need to load the value into memory and instead hardcode it into the program memory.

the cool and useful stuff

okay you should have a decent idea of what we’re working with here now, so let’s discuss the kinds of things that will (hopefully) change your mind on c–if not to enjoying it, to at least appreciating it for what it is.


unions are a fun one that i actually rarely see talked about outside of the context of lower level programming, and it’s a bit of a shame really! let’s have a look at an example to understand why i think they’re pretty useful:

enum UnionType {

union MyUnion {
    int foo;
    float bar;

struct MyStuct {
    enum UnionType u_type;
    union MyUnion data;

struct MyStruct ms;
ms.u_type = kFoo;
ms.data.foo = 1;

switch (ms.u_type) {
    case kFoo:
        printf("has foo! value is %d\n", ms.data.foo);

    case kBar:
        printf("has bar! value is %.1f\n", ms.data.bar);

 * output:
 * has foo! value is 1

what we’ve done here is implemented a pattern called a discriminated union. unions in the context of programming are structures which are the size of the largest member, and can only contain one of those members. this sounds kinda goofy and esoteric at best, until you add the discriminated part to it. a discriminated union is just a union with a way to identify what the contained data inside the union is, and this lets you do things like the following:

// assume the above definitions of `enum UnionType`, `union MyUnion`,
// and `struct MyStruct` exist

struct MyStruct populate(size_t index) {
    struct MyStruct to_return;
    int writeToFoo = index % 2;

    if (writeToFoo) {
        to_return.u_type = kFoo;
        to_return.data.foo = index;
    } else {
        to_return.u_type = kBar;
        to_return.data.bar = (float)index;

#define ARRAY_SIZE 4

// populate the array
struct MyStruct lotsa_stuff[ARRAY_SIZE];
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; ++i) {
    lotsa_stuff[i] = populate(i);

// print out the contents of the array
for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; ++i) {
    struct MyStruct ms = lotsa_stuff[i];
    switch (ms.u_type) {
        case kFoo:
            printf("%d: foo (%d)", i, ms.data.foo);

        case kBar:
            printf("%d: bar (%.1f)", i, ms.data.bar);

 * output:
 * 1: foo (1)
 * 2: bar (2.0)
 * 3: foo (3)
 * 4: bar (4.0)

hopefully this makes clear why discriminated unions are so useful. you could almost think of it like polymorphism in oop.


but don’t take it too far, keep it simple :)

creating systems

a pattern i see all too often with programmers writing object oriented code is the idea of systems abstracted away into a class. it’s a nice idea in theory, but in practice i think leads to quick over-complication if you aren’t careful. this does lead to some programmers trying c and being baffled at how they could possibly make it work in a clean and maintainable way, but here’s a lil trick i’ve learned: y’all be only creating one instance of these classes.

enter the translation unit. in short, a translation unit is whatever you feed into the compiler to create a single object file, which usually has the extension .o. generally this will just be a single .c file, and this is quite a powerful thing. let me show you why:

// in system.h

void increment(void);
int get_num(void);
// in system.c
#include "system.h"

static int counter = 0;

void increment(void) {

int get_num(void) {
    return counter;

in the above example we’ve created a very simple system for incrementing a counter, but the curious thing is that we have static int counter = 0 declared at the top of the source file. the static keyword is a little different to what you might be used to if you’re coming from oop, because there it usually means that you’re declaring something that is “global” to that class. in c though, it has two meanings depending on context:

using this knowledge, it’s fairly trivial to then create a system that is self contained, hides members that users of the api shouldn’t be able to see/touch, and is highly maintainable. you can even extend these systems with structs:

// in system.h

void init(void);
int create_system(void);
void release_system(int system_id);
void increment(int system_id);
int get_num(int system_id);
// in system.c
#include "system.h"

struct SystemContext {
    int enabled;
    int counter;

#define MAX_SYSTEMS 10

static int system_count = 0;
static struct SystemContext contexts[MAX_SYSTEMS];

void init(void) {
    static int initialised = 0;

    if (initialised)

    for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_SYSTEMS; ++i)
        contexts[i].enabled = 0;

    initialised = 1;

int create_system(void) {
    if (system_count >= MAX_SYSTEMS)
        return INVALID_SYSTEM_ID;

    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SYSTEMS; ++i) {
        if (contexts[i].enabled)

        contexts[i].enabled = 1;
        contexts[i].counter = 0;

        return i;

void release_system(int system_id) {
    if (system_id == INVALID_SYSTEM_ID || system_id >= MAX_SYSTEMS)

    contexts[i].enabled = 0;

void increment(int system_id) {
    if (system_id == INVALID_SYSTEM_ID || system_id >= MAX_SYSTEMS)

    if (! contexts[i].enabled)


int get_num(int system_id) {
    if (system_id == INVALID_SYSTEM_ID || system_id >= MAX_SYSTEMS)
        return -1;

    if (! contexts[i].enabled)
        return -1;

    return contexts[i].counter;

this would make the usage look something like this:

int id = create_system();


int value = get_num(id);
printf("value is %d\n", value);


 * output:
 * value is 3

it’s a fair bit more code, but the concept at its core is still the same. the only difference is now we have multiple “contexts” for counters, and the user of the system needs to pass through a valid system_id to use the system. you can think of this as your replacements for classes, if you’d like, though of course don’t go overboard with it since it can always be prone to bugs due to over complication. still, this approach ends up being quite nice since it’s easier to optimise due to how much simpler c is to compile down to machine code compared to something like c++, and it’s really not all that hard to understand while you’re at it.

memory management

this is probably the biggest sticking point people have against c, and i do see their point. memory management in c is almost entirely hands off from the language’s perspective, for better or for worse. that can make it incredibly powerful, but also a bit of a foot gun if you’ve never had to do something like this before. and, well, if you’re coming from a language such as c# or java (both of which are garbage collected) then you’re probably terrified of the idea of even touching memory directly!

let’s get this out of the way first though: as much as you can, allocate on the stack. you’re just going to have an easier time managing your memory if most of it is on the stack, since so much of that management is already taken care of for you.

but sometimes you will need to allocate memory on the heap for one reason or another. this is when things get spooky for a lot of people. but it doesn’t have to be! just as long as you try to have some sort of pattern about how you manage memory. there’s some competing ideas out there, but my favourite (since it catches many cases quite elegantly) is to have a very clear owner of allocated heap memory that will manage the allocation and freeing as required.

take for example if we wanted to have a sort of dynamic stack implementation:

// in stack.h

void push_stack(int value);
int pop_stack(int* out);
// in stack.c

struct StackNode {
    int data;
    struct StackNode* prev;

static struct StackNode* stack_head = NULL;

void push_stack(int value) {
    struct StackNode* new_head = malloc(sizeof(struct StackNode));

    new_head->data = value;
    new_head->prev = stack_head;

    stack_head = new_head;

int pop_stack(int* out) {
    if (stack_head == NULL)
        return 0;

    struct StackNode* old_head = stack_head;

    stack_head = old_head->prev;
    *out = old_head->data;

    return 1;

and then if you were to use this code:


int value;
while (pop_stack(&value)) {
    printf("popped value %d\n", value);

 * output:
 * popped value 3
 * popped value 2
 * popped value 1

this is just a simple singly linked list used as a stack collection with the elements allocated on the heap. notice though that despite all the memory being allocated on the heap, we don’t have to handle anything related to memory. this is because all the memory management is handled solely within the stack system itself. something like this is ideal so that responsibility is entirely contained within a small area of code, making memory management much easier and your code a lot more maintainable.

but say you can’t use this pattern for one reason or another. you find yourself in a position where you need to allocate memory in all sorts of strange places and it’s hard to ensure that you’re matching every malloc() call with a free(). well, what if you could make it really lazy?

// in mem_system.h

void mem_init();
void* mem_alloc(size_t size);
void mem_dealloc(void* ptr);
void mem_dealloc_all(void);
// in mem_system.c

#define MAX_ALLOCS 100

static void* allocated_memory[MAX_ALLOCS];
static size_t current_allocs = 0;

void mem_init() {
    static int initialised = 0;

    if (initialised)

    memset(allocated_memory, (size_t)NULL, MAX_ALLOCS);
    initialised = 1;

void* mem_alloc(size_t size) {
    if (current_allocs >= MAX_ALLOCS)
        return NULL;

    void* ptr = malloc(size);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_ALLOCS; ++i)
        if (allocated_memory[i] != NULL)

        allocated_memory[i] = ptr;

    return ptr;

void mem_dealloc(void* ptr) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_ALLOCS; ++i)
        if (allocated_memory[i] != ptr)

        allocated_memory[i] = NULL;


void mem_dealloc_all(void) {
    for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_ALLOCS; ++i)
        if (allocated_memory[i] == NULL)

        allocated_memory[i] = NULL;

    current_allocs = 0;

with the usage of the above code looking like this:

int* foo = mem_alloc(sizeof(int));
float* bar = mem_alloc(sizeof(float));
*foo = 10;
*bar = 3.14f;

printf("foo is %d\n", *foo);
printf("bar is %.2f\n", *bar);


this is a simple extension on the systems idea from before, but this time tracking the pointers we’ve allocated so that we can allow the system to manage deallocation as needed–including deallocating everything we’ve allocated all at once. truly, it’s like magic!

mind you, this isn’t a perfect system for every application, and certainly there are things you’d want to do in order to make this more useful (for example, you’d 100% want to allow the user of the system to create new allocation trackers so they can have multiple going at the same time that then free only the memory allocated with that tracker) but this should show you the kind of things you can come up with when you use a little creativity.


one of the downsides to c is that because it’s so simple, there’s also very little in the way of guards to stop you from shooting yourself in the foot. this is by no means an exhaustive list of things that may go wrong, but should at least get you started so you don’t fail too hard early on.


strings are kinda weird in c because they’re just an array of chars. i’ll be honest, it’s probably the one thing that i really truly hate about c (that and const). on the surface they seem simple, but with the above knowledge in mind things quickly become a lot more complicated than you may first realise.

first of all, c strings are null terminated. this means that when you do something like this:

const char* foo = "yee haw";
printf("%s\n", foo);

printf() only knows to stop reading chars when it hits a null character (you’ll see it written as '\0' in c). this is important to keep in mind, because if you’re working on a string and fill out the entire array without leaving room for a null character, you run the risk of certain functions reading your string and going well past the bounds of the array until it hits something it interprets as a null character.

next thing to bear in mind is that you generally can’t do something like this:

char* get_name() {
    char* to_return = "dan";
    return to_return;

const char* name = get_name();
printf("hello %s!\n", name);

and the reason for this is that to_return in get_name() is allocated on the stack, and so the lifetime of that memory is until we exit get_name(). if we deallocate to_return but return a pointer to it, all of a sudden we’re pointing at random junk! a way around this is to use malloc():

char* get_name() {
    #define MAX_NAME_LENGTH 15
    char* to_return = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
    strncpy(to_return, "dan", MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
    return to_return;

so now to_return points to memory on the heap which has a lifetime of until we call free() on it, but this is a bad solution because we’ve now created a whole other problem: who will free the memory? we’ve allocated this memory and now it’s on the caller to free it, but that’s not clear and is prone to bugs. instead, you should do something like what is often seen in the <string.h> header:

void get_name(char* buffer, size_t max_len) {
    strncpy(buffer, "dan", max_len);

here we place the responsibility on the caller to allocate the memory, telling us where that memory is located and how much space is available for us to write to. because of this, the caller now has full control over where the string is, and can then appropriately handle allocation and deallocation as required.

but hold on a second, what’s the deal with strncpy() there? we need a whole function just to copy a string over?

and this is the last thing i’d like to touch on for strings in c. as soon as you work with strings at all, there’s a 99% chance you’ll also have to start working with the various string functions, which means working pretty directly with memory. again, i really hate strings in c and this is why. it’s just so fiddly and potentially unsafe in subtle ways that may only reveal itself in the most edge of edge cases. and of course, since a lot of user input will be via strings, this can lead to odd crashes/undefined behaviour at best, and security issues at worst.

the best advice i can offer here is to just try and learn by doing. of course, you should use the safe string functions such as strncpy(), strncat(), strncmp(), really any string functions that require you to pass through a max length so that you don’t accidentally read/write past the bounds of any allocated memory. but also, this isn’t foolproof! you gotta make sure that your strings are properly null terminated, and there’s still probably some things that i’m not aware of either!

don’t let this scare you from writing c, but do try to be aware of the dangers of strings in c.

not initialising allocated memory

say we do something like this:

int foo;
printf("foo is %d\n", foo);

/* output:
 * foo is 37624896

huh? what’s going on here? we didn’t even assign anything to foo!

and… well this is the problem. c by default doesn’t initialise the memory you allocate, leaving the value to be whatever was last in that bit of memory. this is why (at least when i ran the above code) the value of foo was some weird number.

this is especially problematic with strings, which is why it’s usually a good idea to do the following if you’re defining a buffer for a string:

#define BUFFER_SIZE 15
char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
memset(buffer, '\0', BUFFER_SIZE);

this gives you a little safety net, ensuring that all characters are null to begin with so that if for whatever reason something goes wrong while you’re working with the string, there should hopefully be a null character left around to mark the end of the string.

not freeing allocated memory

perhaps you’ve experienced a program that you’ve left open for some time slowly eat up all your memory until you restart it. this is probably a memory leak in action, and this is what happens when you don’t appropriately call free() for every call to malloc() you make. i’ve already covered above some ways to avoid this problem, but i really need to stress that you make sure you free all the memory you allocate on the heap. learn how to use a tool like valgrind so you can track down leaks and confirm if there are even any in the first place.

pointer code style

this is a hot debate among many c programmers. in short, you usually see pointers declared in one of three ways:

int* a;
int *b;
int * c;

all of these ways of declaring a pointer is valid, but can be kinda confusing if you’re new to c and reading someone else’s code. the reasons why people go one way or the other isn’t mega important (though i stick to style a since i think it makes most sense to describe it as “this variable is of type pointer to an int”) just know that these are styles out in the wild you may see.

dangling pointers

say for example you do something like the following:

int* foo = malloc(sizeof(int));
// do some stuff with foo

all is good right? we have allocated the memory and then deallocated it appropriately, so there’s no leaks to be seen here. but there’s still danger! foo is a valid pointer still, and because of this we can still totally dereference it and see what’s there. but this will lead to odd behaviour since we’ve indicated that the memory is now free for the taking for something else, so now whatever is there is anyone’s guess. this is what we call a dangling pointer, and to deal with dangling pointers it’s usually a good idea to also ensure you set them to NULL:

foo = NULL;

this means that now later in your code if you happen to try and deref a pointer you can do this to ensure it’s safe:

if (foo != NULL)
    printf("foo is not null! %d\n", *foo);

simple! but also easy to forget!


“but dan” i hear you ask, “macros seem pretty harmless from what you’ve explained” and yeah they are. but i’ve also not shown you the other things macros can do. mind you there’s some other helpful uses, such as being able to determine what platform you’re currently compiling for so you can conditionally compile some code and not others, but it can also do some spooky stuff.

you see, i very explicitly didn’t explain function-like macros and how those can be used. reason being is that… well honestly i think they’re a trap. in fact, i think that most code generation stuff is a trap in most situations (yes, this means generics/templates too). mind you, in simple small doses they can be very helpful, but too often they lead to the creation of code that is just painful to maintain. so just trust me on this: stay away from function-like macros. you probably don’t need them anyway.

some closing thoughts

i’ll be honest, while i’ve been sitting on this idea for a post for… probably a year now? i didn’t feel properly compelled to write it until i read this incredible post on the grug brained dev. it’s a goofy post, but if you feel at all encouraged to try writing some c after reading this then i cannot recommend enough that you read it. i think it’ll really open your eyes to a simpler way of programming that not only will make writing c a joy, but also any other language you encounter.

but yeah, i think that c is pretty under-appreciated these days. especially in the current landscape of oop and ever increasing complexity in the service of less code repetition, i think we’ve lost sight of the value of true simplicity (myself included). certainly writing more c in my spare time instead of c++ or even rust has rewired my brain in ways that i think has ultimately lead to me to write better code at work.

so give it a go, write something fun in c :)